
Solar energy is immensely available during daytime on the earth. It is a sustainable, renewable and green energy. Improvement in efficiency of harnessing solar energy is the utmost concern of the present research due to its renewable nature. This article presents a complete utilization of solar irradiation over the broad spectrum of solar energy efficiently. The design, development and implementation of the hybrid solar photo voltaic & thermal (SPVT) system are reported, in which a tandem structure of transparent solar panel and large Fresnel lens concentrator are mounted for sunlight harvesting. In this hybrid system a semi-transparent solar panel mounted on the top for PV application and large Fresnel lens is for concentrating the transmitted light onto a solar thermal absorber unit for heating water efficiently. The partial visible portion of solar energy is converted into voltage generation using semi transparent solar panel (TSP) while remaining transmitted radiations is further concentrated by a large Fresnel lens which was fixed below semi-transparent solar panel. Concentrated sunlight was focused on solar thermal unit which was utilized for water heating. Two different color filter semi-transparent solar panel modules were integrated with the system for testing and reported that the red color filter solar panel generates more power and overall efficiency as compared to other one. Experimental results using the prototype developed system are reported. Due to simultaneous electricity generation and domestic hot water application the hybrid system becomes more efficient, robust and cost effective for sustainable development of the country.

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