
Aerodynamic studies of canceled structures are important for design of buildings, analysis of air flows inside buildings, evaluation of buildings’ effects on air flow patterns of the adjoining area, and optimal choice of enclosing structures. The analysis of wind effects during the design of canceled structures is governed by codes and standards of general purpose. These statutory documents do not regulate the mounting procedure of wind protection screens, nor do they contain the analysis of wind effects on structures with different angles of attack of an incident wind flow. The codes prescribe aeroelastic model testing in special civil engineering wind tunnels during the design of such structures. The purpose of this research project is to analyze wind effects on the force and torque specification of a canceled structure at different wind effect angles accounting for the mounting sequence of wind protection screens. The subject of the article is an experimental aeroelastic study of wind effects on a canceled structure accounting for sequential mounting of wind protection screens on the structure’s facade. The obtained data will allow for the analysis of effects of the wind flow angle on internal forces of the structure, given that a change in its permeability is taken into account. At the initial design stage, experimental modeling of wind effects in a wind tunnel is thereby considered a structure model validation step. The relevance of the paper lies in the need to identify optimum operating conditions of canceled structures, subjected to a wind effect, to ensure safe and comfortable work of people and reliable operation of process equipment installed inside the facility.

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