
Modern technologies for obtaining materials include chemical reactions occurring at excess pressure and high temperatures accompanied by phase transitions. Such processes take place in devices for sulfuric acid production, heterogeneous catalysis and chemical synthesis, in devices for drying, burning and melting bulk materials and other furnaces. The technological processes under consideration are accompanied by the loading of bulk material into the internal cavity of the apparatus – the reactor. In this case, the material loading window is sealed by a mechanical locking device which opens at the stage of the technological process, accompanied by loading of raw materials into the reactor. In this case, the air-tightness of the reactor is broken and gases can be released into the environment, which poses a threat to the health of the working staff and the environment as a whole. The article focuses on an experimental study of the gas-dynamic characteristics of the air flow at the exit of the annular nozzle of a vortex-type pneumatic shut-off device. The paper analyzes the methods for studying hydro-gas-dynamic parameters of vortex flows with justification for the choice of the study method. It also describes the laboratory setup and instrumentation for the study. The results of the research include the distribution of total pressure from the axial component of velocity and its structure. We also constructed the diagrams of the distribution of the axial component of the active air velocity and obtained a refined velocity distribution along the nozzle radius. The results of the study indicate the operability of the device and can be used in the physical and mathematical description of the working process of a vortex pneumatic shut-off device, as well as in the development of methods for optimal profiling of the device.

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