
Today, the bulk of the sun generated in the food and processing industry (about 70%) is supplied to agriculture unchanged, and more than 10% is not used at all. The volume of aircraft waste annually in Russia is about 3.0 million tons and the problem of their use requires serious attention, since the content of dry substances in them is about 5-10%, they are very unstable during storage, quickly sour, ferment, losing valuable components and polluting the environment. Storing them in this state is possible only for 2-3 days. Therefore, it is undoubtedly relevant and necessary to increase the degree and depth of processing of raw materials, the complexity of its use, more complete extraction of valuable components from it with the use of progressive environmentally friendly technologies. The studies were carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agricultural Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences” and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Orenburg State University”. In the course of the work, laboratory studies were carried out to assess the effect of cavitation treatment of sunflower husks on the chemical properties. Based on the studies carried out, it can be noted that the most pronounced changes in the chemical composition of sunflower husks are observed at pH3. So after processing in an acidic environment, the content of crude fiber is 35-40%, while the digestibility increases to 53.6%. In an alkaline medium, these values were on average 5-10% lower than in an acidic medium. The depth of interaction of cavitation treatment of sunflower husks depends on the exposure time, temperature and ultrasound intensity. It is technologically expedient to carry out cavitation treatment with the following parameters: hydromolule 1:3, medium temperature from 40 to 60 °C, time 15-20 minutes, ultrasound intensity 0.3-0.35 kW.

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