
The distribution of the REE between synthetic diopside, forsterite, enstatite, and gaseous water and between natural plagioclase, 2 rhyolite obsidian melts and gaseous water have been measured. Values for distribution coefficients ( D) for the REE between the minerals and aqueous fluid vary significantly over the temperature range of 550°C to 850°C, but little variation was found for the values of D between the silicate liquids and aqueous fluid over a temperature range of 100°C. By assuming that the values of D for the silicate liquids are independent of major element composition and temperature, it is possible to calculate values of D for REE between silicate minerals and silicate liquid. The values obtained for diopside, forsterite, enstatite and plagioclase compare favorably with those obtained for the natural materials clinopyroxene, olivine, orthopyroxene and plagioclase (except for Eu). The values of D for diopside were found to increase and those for forsterite and enstatite to decrease with increasing temperatuie. Values of temperature of equilibration for natural minerals obtained by extrapolation of graphs for experimental data of In D against 1/ T for the systems diopside-silicate liquid, forsterite-silicate liquid, and forsterite-diopside fall within a reasonable range, suggesting the possibility of geothermometry using REE concentrations of minerals.

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