
models of fluid-rock interaction. We report here results from such an experiment analog in which the evolution of the fluid over time was shown to be dependent not only on rock compostion but also on the changing physical properties of the rock during alteration. Me~o~ A single pass, continuous-flow system was used to simulate the reaction of pure water with quartz diorite at 350~ 480 bars. The rock was composed of quartz, oligoclase, albite, chlorite, seridte, ankerite and calcite, with lesser amounts of magnetite, rutile, ilmenite and pyrite. The hydrothermal solution was doubly-distilled water, equilibrated with atmospheric CO2, which was passed through the rock at a rate of 1 ml/hr. Effluents were analyzed for A1, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Ti, P, Na, K, Si, ~CO2, and room temperature pH. Run products were studied using SEM, XRD and electron microprobe For experimental and analytical details, refer to Mountain (1993).

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