
In the present scenario, machining of the pioneering engineering materials such as various ceramics and composites which possess high hardness, brittleness, strength and electrically insulated becomes very difficult. This study focuses on the development of magnetic field assisted traveling wire electrochemical spark machining (MF-TWECSM) process set up and its utilization for the machining of electrically insulated materials. TW-ECSM process is a combination of the Wire-EDM and ECM processes. In this process, effects of the electrochemical reaction and electric spark are responsible for the material removal from the workpiece. Quartz found to be suitable as work material due its high hardness, good chemical stability and piezoelectric properties. Magnetic field has been applied during the machining for better circulation of the electrolyte during experimentation. Enhanced electrolyte circulation improves the efficiency of the process resulting in higher material removal rate (MRR) of the work material and reduction in the discharge current during experimentation. The improvement in MRR with magnetic field was found in the percentage range of 9% to 200% during experimentation. For the very first time, a brass wire with diameter 0.1 mm has been used during TW-ECSM process.

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