
The sliding hinge joint (SHJ) is a supplemental energy dissipation system for column bases or beam-to-column connections of steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs). It is based on the application of symmetric/asymmetric friction dampers to develop a dissipative mechanism alternative to the column/beam yielding. This typology was initially proposed in New Zealand and, more recently, is starting to be tested and applied also in Europe. While on the one hand this technology provides great benefits such as the damage avoidance, on the other hand, due to the high unloading stiffness of the dampers in tension or compression, its cyclic response is typically characterized by a limited self-centering capacity.To address this shortcoming, the objective of the work herein presented is to examine the possibility to add to these connections also a self-centering capacity proposing new layouts based on a combination of friction devices (providing energy dissipation capacity), pre-loaded threaded bars and disk springs (introducing in the joint restoring forces).In this paper, as a part of an ongoing wider experimental activity regarding the behavior of self-centering connections, the attention is focused on the problem of achieving the self-centering of the column bases of MRFs by studying a detail consisting in a column-splice equipped with friction dampers and threaded bars with Belleville disk springs, located above a traditional full-strength column base joint. The main benefits obtained with the proposed layout are that: (i) the self-centering capability is obtained with elements (threaded bars and Belleville springs) which have a size comparable to the overall size of the column-splice cover plates; (ii) all the re-centering elements are moved far from the concrete foundation avoiding any interaction with the footing. The work reports the main results of an experimental investigation and the analysis of a MRF equipped with the proposed column base joints.

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