
This symposium builds on our 2012 AOM symposium on experiments in institutional theory where experimental research has been presented as a promising direction complementing and diversifying the existing methodological toolkit of institutional analysts. We seek to draw the researchers’ interest to empirical exploration of micro foundations of institutions and institutional processes using experimental methods. Following Meyer and Rowan (1977), many authors have encouraged the greater use of experimental designs in institutional research (Bitektine, 2011; Boxenbaum & Jonsson, 2008; David & Bitektine, 2009; David, Sine, & Haveman, forthcoming; Green, 2004; Kennedy & Fiss, 2009; Suchman, 1995; Thornton, Ocasio, & Lounsbury, 2012; Voronov & Vince, 2012). The pro-posed symposium thus represents one of the first steps towards implementation of this research agenda. How Does New Information Affect Reputation Judgments? The Role of Familiarity Presenter: Simone Mariconda; U. della Svizzera Italiana Presenter: Francesco Lurati; U. of Lugano Being more Legitimate (and Different) with Less? Corporate Giving versus Corporate Volunteering Presenter: Heiko Breitsohl; U. Wuppertal The Effects of Institutional Complexity on Creative Cognition Presenter: Rachel Ruttan; Northwestern U. Presenter: Michael Mauskapf; Northwestern U. Presenter: Loran F. Nordgren; Northwestern U. Individual Reactions to Institutional Complexity Presenter: Vern Glaser; U. of Southern California Presenter: Sandy E. Green; California State U., Northridge Presenter: Nathanael J. Fast; U. of Southern California

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