
AbstractThis study presents experimental results for the radial and temporal variation of neutral and ion spectroscopic signatures emerging from the heated channel of lightning‐like discharges diagnosed with a high speed (900,000 fps) imaging spectrograph. Light emissions emanate from three regions: an inner core (up to ∼2 mm), an external sheath (up to ∼4 mm) featuring a sudden temperature increase, and further optical emissions forming a dim glow from 4 mm up to 16 mm. The optical emissions are initially (<1.11 μs) dominated by the N2 first positive system at 660.8 nm and by the N II ion line at 661.05 nm. Between 1.11 and 3.33 μs the optical emissions are dominated by Hα (656.3 nm) and O II ion (656.54 nm) lines. The N II ion line at 648.20 nm prevails in the outer dim glow region (9–12 mm) before 2.22 μs. Spectroscopic signals were used to experimentally derive the time dynamics of the electron density and electron/gas temperature radial profiles, which allowed the estimation of the early time overpressure pulse, electrical conductivity and concentrations of key molecular species (N2, NO, O2, OH, H2, N2O, NO2, HO2, O3, and H2O) along the radial axis of the heated air plasma channel. These populations were calculated from the overpressure pulse, assuming that they were produced from humid (50%) air under thermal equilibrium conditions. OH is found to be the second most abundant molecular species (after NO) directly generated by heated lightning‐like channels.

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