
EIGHTH NOTE: FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUBJECTS OF IMMUNIZATION AND SERUM THERAPY * In our seventh note 1 on experimental poliomyelitis we treated of some of the phenomena of active immunization and passive serum protection in respect to epidemic poliomyelitis, and in this connection we wish to record some additional observations of the same general import. It can now be accepted as established that human beings and monkeys who have passed through an attack of poliomyelitis have come to contain in their blood certain neutralizing principles for the virus of poliomyelitis; that these principles are readily demonstrable by animal tests for two or more years in human beings, and that they probably persist for as great a period in monkeys. It has, moreover, been shown that monkeys which have recovered from an attack of poliomyelitis are highly refractory to reinoculation with the virus of poliomyelitis, and it is probable that the recovered

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