
The hydration of peridotites modelled by the system H2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 has been treated theoretically after the method of Schreinemakers, and has been investigated experimentally in the temperature range 700°–900° C and in the pressure range of 8–14 kbar. In the presence of excess forsterite and water, the garnet- to spinel-peridotite transition boundary intersects the chlorite dehydration boundary at an invariant point situated at 865±5° C and 15.2±0.3 kbar. At lower pressures, a model spinel lherzolite hydrates to both chlorite- and amphibole-bearing assemblages at an invariant point located at 825±10° C and 9.3±0.5 kbar. At even lower pressures the spinel-to plagioclase-peridotite transition boundary intersects the dehydration curve for amphibole+forsterite at an invariant point estimated to lie at 855±10° C and 6.5±0.5 kbar. Both chlorite and amphibole were characterized along their respective dehydration curves. Chlorite was found to shift continuously from clinochlore, with increasing temperature, to more aluminous compositions. Amphibole was found to be tremolitic with a maximmum of 6 wt.% Al2O3. The experimentally determined curves in this study were combined with the determined or estimated stability curves for hydrous melting, plagioclase, talc, anthophyllite, and antigorite to obtain a petrogenetic grid applicable to peridotites, modelled by the system H2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, that covers a wide range of geological conditions. Direct applications of this grid, although quite limited, can be made for ultramafic assemblages that have been extensively re-equilibrated at greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism and for some highgrade ultramafic assemblages that display clear signs of retrogressive metamorphism.

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