
Graded concentrations of ochratoxin A (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 γg/g of feed) incorporated into the diet of turkey poults from hatching until 3 weeks of age resulted in a decreased growth rate, enlarged proventriculus and gizzard, and a regressed thymus (all at 4 and 8 γg/g) and the sizes of liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bursa of Fabricius were unaffected. Feed conversion ratio increased from 1.63 (control value) to 2.07 (8 γg/g) Mortality was increased significantly (P<.05) at 8 γg/g. Water consumption and plasma uric acid were increased at 4 and 8 γg/g. Plasma glucose and the dry weight of the kidneys decreased significantly at 8 γg/g while total plasma proteins, prothrombin time, plasma carotenoids, and phenol red clearance rate were unaltered. A leucocytopenia, which was primarily a lymphocytopenia, was observed at 4 and 8 γg/g. Heterophils decreased while basophils increased at 8 γg/g. The oral LD50 for day-old and 3-week-old poults was 4.63 ± .31 and 7.84 ± .94 mg/kg, respectively. Intraperitoneally, the value for day-old birds was .16 ± .03 mg/kg and for 3-week-old birds was .34 ± .09 mg/kg. These data suggest that ochratoxin is a potent nephrotoxin in turkeys, but that ochratoxicosis in turkeys differs markedly from the disease in other species.

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