
A 2D Hele-Shaw cell was built to study microfracture nucleation, growth, and network formation during internal fluid production. Fluid is slowly produced into a low permeability solid, which leads to a local fluid pressure increase that controls the nucleation of microfractures that grow and then connect to create flow pathways. This process occurs during the primary migration of hydrocarbons in source rocks, which is the main topic of our study. It may also occur in other geological systems, such as the expulsion of water during dehydration of clay-rich sediments in sedimentary basins or serpentinite rocks in subduction zones and the transport of magmatic melts. Our system consists of a transparent, brittle gelatin material mixed with yeast and sugar. The consumption of sugar by yeast leads to CO2 formation, resulting in microfracture nucleation and growth. We varied three parameters, (1) anisotropy (i.e., number of layers), (2) lateral sealing, and (3) rate of fluid production. We tracked fluid movement through the opening and closing of microfractures within the system. Microfracture nucleation density is similar in a layered system to previous studies (0.45 microfracture per cm2). However, we observed that lateral confinement (0.31 microfracture per cm2) and rate of expulsion (0.99 microfracture per cm2) affect nucleation density and the geometrical characteristics of the microfracture network. The size, extent, and geometry of the microfracture network are dependent on all three parameters investigated, where lateral confinement and a higher rate of expulsion result in greater microfracture network connectivity. Layers control the angle of intersection between microfractures. Furthermore, layering and sealing have an impact on fracture topology. Results also show that the microfracture pattern significantly influences the fluid expulsion rate. Our results have direct applications to understanding how fluid migration occurs in low-permeability rocks through the development of a connected microfracture network produced by internal fluid generation.

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