
Previous laboratory studies have demonstrated the role of photoperiod in cueing the migration timing of small land birds; however, how migration timing of young birds in wild environments develops in relation to these cues have rarely been investigated. Such investigations can make important contributions to our developing understanding of the phenotypic plasticity of migration timing to new conditions with climate change, where changes in the timing of nesting may expose juvenile birds to different photoperiods. We investigated the impact of manipulating photoperiod during nestling development in a long-distance migratory songbird on the timing of post-breeding movements in the wild. Using programmable lighting installed in the nest-boxes of purple martins (Progne subis), we exposed developing nestlings, from hatch to fledge date, to an extended photoperiod that matched the day length of the summer solstice in Manitoba, Canada. We found that birds with a simulated, earlier photoperiod had a longer nesting period and later fledge and autumn departure dates than control group birds. This study demonstrates the phenotypic plasticity of first-year birds to the ontogenetic effect of their hatch date in the formation of the timing of their first post-breeding movements. Further, we discuss how these results have implications for the potential use of assisted evolution approaches to alter migration timing to match new conditions with climate change.

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