
An experiment was performed for pool diameter 1 m located at the center of a compartment which has a size of 4 m x 4 m x 4 m (l x w x h). The door size was 2 m x 1 m (Height x Width) which was fully open during the experiment. The purpose of experiment was to obtain a data of burning characteristic of diesel fuel within the compartment. The large scale heat release calorimeter measure the heat release rate (HRR) and concentration of O2, CO2& CO. The thermocouple arrays are installed at different places to measure the ceiling temperatures; centerline temperatures above the pool, doorway temperatures.The maximum HRR has found 1 MW and during steady period average hot gas layer temperature reaches to 400 0C. The average mass burning rate was maintained to 0.037 kg/m2s, which was compared with other previous conducted experiments for diesel pool fire.

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