
Growing demands for space heating and cooling make ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems a renewable alternative. This technology relies on the fact that, at depth, the Earth has a relatively constant temperature, warmer than the air in winter and cooler than the air in summer. A GSHP uses the earth as the sources of heat in the winter, and as the 'sink' for heat removed from the home in the summer. In the present study based upon the measurements made in the heating mode from the 5 December till 10 March 2014-2015, the heat extraction rate from the soil is found to be, on average, 2.53 KW. The heating coefficient of performance of the heat pump (COP) HP fluctuates between 2.11 to 3.13. It is expected that the model presented here would be beneficial to everyone dealing with the design, simulation and testing of GSHP systems.

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