
Nuclear levels in230Th have been investigated in theβ decay of230Pa, the230Th(d, pnγ) reaction and the232Th(p, t) reaction. TheKπ=01+, 21+, and 22+ bands with band heads at 635, 781, and 1010 keV were observed up to the 8+, 9+, and 7+ levels, respectively. A second excited 0+ level was identified at 1297 keV which might be interpreted as the usualβ shape-oscillation. The branching ratios of theE2 transitions from the 01+, 21+, and 22+ bands are explained in the framework of the rotational model by taking into account the coupling of these bands with the ground-state band, and the coupling between the 01+ and 21+ band. A strong enhancement ofE2 transitions from the 21+ to the 01+ band reported earlier is not confirmed. For the octupole vibrations withKπ=0−, 1−, and 2− theE1 branching ratios are analyzed in terms of the Coriolis coupling of these bands. An almost complete experimental set ofE1 transition moments from these negative-parity bands to the 0g+, 01+, and 21+ bands was obtained. It is suggested that octupole correlations might be important in explaining theseE1 moments.

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