
Steam condensation heat transfer is the primary cooling strategy of the passive containment cooling system in some of the third generation reactors. In this study, a series of experiments were performed to investigate the steam condensation on a 1.5 × 0.6 m2 rotatable inorganic zinc surface, with surface inclination angle from horizontal to 60°. The condensate flow on the condensing surface at different inclination angles is photographed and analyzed. The results show that the effect of inclination angle on condensation heat transfer coefficient could be influenced by air fraction. Furthermore, considering the existence of air and overpressure, a semi-empirical correlation based on Nusselt model is developed to precisely predict the steam condensation heat transfer coefficient on the inorganic zinc surface. Since the surface condition of the experimental condensing surface is the same as that of the actual containment vessel, the experimental results would have certain reference values to the containment response analysis of the postulated accidents.

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