
Experiments are performed in an advanced-design multistage axial- ow compressor to investigate rotor-inlet guide vane (IGV) unsteady aerodynamic blade-row interaction phenomena at both transonic and subsonic rotor operating conditions. Nonlinear interaction effects were signiŽ cant at the transonic design speed, with very high levels ofunsteady loadingoccurring in the vanetrailingedge regionbecause of interactionswith the rotor-generated shock waves. The impact of these shocks with the vane pressure surface resulted in a re ected shock segment that traveled across the vanepassageas it propagatedupstream, eventually impactingthe suction surface of the adjacent vane. Increasing the IGV-rotor axial spacing did not signiŽ cantly reduce the unsteady aerodynamic loadingcaused by these interactions, with harmonics as high as 8 £ blade pass frequency still present in the vane response. These nonlinear interactions did not occur at the part-speed operating condition in which the rotor  ow was subsonic, with both the forcing function and vane response predominantly Ž rst harmonic.

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