
Due to the increase in human population, there is an ever-increasing demand for energy in different sectors which leads to environmental problems like climate change, rise in temperature, and global catastrophes. Cooling systems have become a very essential element in recent decades for mankind. The present system focuses on the design and fabrication of a counter-flow humidification setup which uses biomass-based charcoal as the packing material. Air velocity and water flow rate have been varied along with the density of charcoal. Output parameters such as a change in pressure (ΔP), Coefficient of performance (COP), evaporation rate (ER), humidification efficiency (HE), specific cooling capacity (SCC), and energy consumption (EC) are evaluated. Performance parameters obtained for charcoal are compared with that of standard Celdek Packing. Through experiments, it is found that humidification efficiencies for Celdek and charcoal packing are 77.45% and 57.40% respectively. The overall coefficient of performance obtained is 1.41 for charcoal and 3.17 for Celdek packing. Among the three densities which were considered, charcoal packing with a density of 400 kg/m3 exhibited higher performance with respect to COP, HE, ER, and SCC. Similarly, a water flow rate of 0.4 lpm gave a maximum performance and 0.7 lpm gave the least. It is concluded that charcoal can be considered one of the highly efficient biomass-based materials contributing to sustainable energy related to cooling applications.

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