
Adsorption of carbon dioxide onto highly porous activated carbon based consolidated composite adsorbent has been experimentally investigated. Experiments have been conducted at temperatures of 30, 50, 70°C and pressures up to 7MPa using magnetic suspension adsorption measurement unit. The innovative adsorption isotherms data have been correlated using three isotherm models namely, Langmuir, Tóth, and modified Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A). The studied models successfully fitted with the experimental data and Tóth isotherm model shows a better fitting. Results showed that the volumetric adsorption capacity of CO2 onto the studied consolidated composite is higher than that of CO2 onto parent activated carbon powder (Maxsorb III). The isosteric heat of adsorption of the studied pairs has been calculated from isotherm data. The performance of ideal adsorption cooling cycle, employing consolidated composite adsorbent/CO2 pair, has also been simulated at three different evaporator temperatures, namely 5, 10 and 15°C along with a coolant temperature of 25°C and heat source temperatures ranging from 45 to 90°C. The estimated thermodynamic parameters and isotherm data are important for further development of CO2 based adsorption cooling systems.

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