
We present a systematic experimental investigation of low-energy (0–1 kV) ion irradiation induced changes in sheet resistivity and Debye temperatures in metallic nano-films of Ag, Cu and Al of thickness d/λo ∼ 2–5, where d is the film thickness and λo is the bulk mean free path, as a function of ion beam induced defects and impurities in a controlled manner. Ions of both atomic (Ne, Ar and Kr) and molecular (H2, N2) gases are employed in the investigation and the number of defects and impurities in the nano-film can be varied in a controlled manner by varying the ionic mass number (1–84) and beam fluence (8.7 × 1015–1.4 × 1016 ions cm−2). Low-temperature measurements are carried out for pristine and irradiated films to obtain the residual sheet resistance (RRS). An empirical formula relating the variation of RRS with beam fluence and ionic mass number is proposed for the first time. The change in RRS is due to the large diffusion of the impurities inside the nano-films as confirmed from energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The Debye temperature (ΘD) is determined from Bloch–Grüneisen fitting of the temperature variation of sheet resistance data and it is found that ΘD decreases with increase in both fluence and ionic mass number arising primarily from the change in bulk modulus of the nano-film.

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