
Hybrid rocket motors oer several distinct advantages over the more traditional solid and liquid rocket propulsion systems. A hybrid rocket motor typically consists of an inert solid fuel which is combined with a liquid or gaseous oxidizer. This concept yields better performance than a solid rocket motor (SRM) while maintaining a lower level of overall complexity than a liquid rocket engine. In addition, the oxidizer and fuel are stored in separate forms providing an inert propulsion system until ignition. Conventional tactical systems are a liability when stored due to the inherent explosive nature of SRMs. Unfortunately current hybrid rocket motor technologies suer from inherently low grain regression rates, low initial thrust to weight ratios, low volumetric eciency and a lack of heritage. One solution to address several of these drawbacks is by implementation of a concentric grain of solid Ammonium Perchlorate Composite Propellant (APCP) inside of the standard hybrid fuel grain. This APCP grain provides an adequate initial thrust to weight ratio for vehicle takeo yet still allows for a more ecient

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