
Nowadays, quantum computing is an important topic since it allows computations to be completed in a small amount of the time. The goal of using quantum computers (QC) is to solve an increasing number of problems that were previously intractable to address with traditional computing. The classical approaches work with bits, which are made up of 0s and 1s, whereas QC uses qubits. Classical computing is limited by storage capacity and speed of calculations, even when parallel computation is conducted on it. Compared to traditional methods, quantum parallelism allows the storage to be reduced exponentially with the potential of a shorter amount of time. Besides, Peter Shor's algorithm can solve the factorization problem used in RSA in polynomial time, whereas in a classical computer, factoring any big integer is intractable. The purpose of this research is to explore and implement quantum computing schemes and how Shor's algorithm can break RSA algorithms.

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