
The discovery at RHIC of large high- p T suppression and flow of electrons from heavy quarks flavors have altered our view of the hot and dense matter formed in central Au + Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV. These results suggest a large energy loss and flow of heavy quarks in the hot, dense matter. In recent years, the RHIC experiments upgraded the detectors; (1) PHENIX Collaboration installed silicon vertex tracker (VTX) at midrapidity region and forward silicon vertex tracker (FVTX) at the forward rapidity region, and (2) STAR Collaboration installed the heavy flavor tracker (HFT) and the muon telescope detector (MTD) both at the mid-rapidity region. The PHENIX experiments established measurements of ψ (1 S ) and ψ (2 S ) production as a function of system size, p + p , p + Al, p + Au, and 3 He + Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV. In p/ 3 He + A collisions at forward rapidity, we observe no difference in the ψ (2 S )/ ψ (1 S ) ratio relative to p + p collisions. At backward rapidity, where the comoving particle density is higher, we find that the ψ (2 S ) is preferentially suppressed by a factor of two. STAR Collaboration presents the first J/ ψ measurements in the di-muon decay channel in Au + Au at √ s NN = 200 GeV at mid-rapidity. We observe a clear J/ψ R AA suppression and qualitatively well described by transport models, including dissociation and regeneration simultaneously.


  • These results suggest a large energy loss and flow of heavy quarks in the hot, dense matter

  • Collisions at forward rapidity, we observe no difference in the ψ(2S )/ψ(1S ) ratio relative to p + p collisions

  • At backward rapidity, where the comoving particle density is higher, we find that the ψ(2S ) is preferentially suppressed by a factor of two

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Physics Motivation

I.e. charm (c) or bottom (b), are consider important probes of the hot and dense medium, Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. This effect of RAA(pT ) suppression of the high-pT hadron spectra at the mid-rapidity region in central A + A collisions, proposed by Bjorken, Gyulassy, and others [4, 5] rests on the expectation of a large energy loss of high-pT partons scattered in the initial stages of collisions in a medium with a high density of free color charges Adding to this discovery of suppression of particles at high-pT , two very striking results were seen for open heavy flavor from the PHENIX experiment via the measurement of electrons (e±HF) from the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons carrying charm or bottom quarks. This implies that the heavy quarks are sensitive to the pressure gradients driving hydrodynamic flow giving new insights into the strongly coupled nature of the QGP fluid at these temperatures

Latest Heavy Flavor Results from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Open Heavy Flavor
Latest Heavy Flavor Results from the STAR Experiment at RHIC
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