
Increased urbanization created lack of authentic and genuine drug for the management of ailments of human beings; similarly the urbanization has fashioned myths in society that lactation and feedings of the babies leads to loss of beauty, along with this stress, strain and modern style of living affects the milk production in human being. Galactogouges are most used and prescribed drugs in the medical practice. As per Ayurveda galactogouges are termed as stanyajanana dravya, which increase the milk production. Karpasa beeja (Gossypium herbacum Linn) belongs to Malvaceae family is medium sized tree consists madhura rasa (sweet taste), sheeta veerya (cold potency), and madhura vipaka (under goes sweet metabolism). It acts as vata, pitta shamaka, kapha vardhaka, and stanyajanana (increases lactation). The Karpasa beeja was subjected for morphological and physico-chemical evaluation according to the parameters explained in Ayurveda Pharmacopeia of India and galactogogue activity was carried out for 15 days by using 24 Albino rats divided into four groups i.e. two trial groups (Churna and Extract of Karpas Beeja), one standard group (Shatavari churna) and one control group (Normal saline water). The drug shows presence of carbohydrate, proteins, sterols, reducing sugar, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids. The drug in the form of churna and 90% Ethyl alcohol extract shows similar effects with known standard drug Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa).


  • Urbanization has fashioned myths in society that lactation and feedings of the babies leads to loss of beauty, along with this stress, strain and modern style of living affects the milk production in human being

  • Healthy female adult Albino rats weighing from 200gms to 350gms were used for testing galactogogue effect of Churna (Powder) and Extract of Karpasa beeja (Gossypium herbaceum Linn), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) Churna and Distilled water in selected model according to Azizha Mahmood et al method (2012)(9)

  • The milk production was measured daily after 12hrs of treatment starting from day 6 to day 15

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Urbanization has fashioned myths in society that lactation and feedings of the babies leads to loss of beauty, along with this stress, strain and modern style of living affects the milk production in human being. Karpasa is mentioned in different Dupana yogas (Fumigation). It is used in the treatment of vataja ashmari (Renal calculi), adhika raktasrava (Bleeding disorders), atisara (Diarrhea) and mutrakriccha (Dysurea). Pushpas (Flowers) are used in the preparation of kushtanashaka lepas (Application useful in skin diseases) (3). It is mentioned in vatasamshamana gana (vata mitigating). It is used in the treatment of Karna srava (Otorrhea), Trishna (Excessive thirst) (4). It is mentioned in Yantra vidhi adhyaya and used in the form of bandha (Bandage),

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