
The 2nd Marine Ice Sheet and Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (MISOMIP2) is a natural progression of previous and ongoing model intercomparison exercises that have focused on the simulation of ice-sheet--ocean processes in Antarctica. The previous exercises motivate the move towards more realistic configurations and more diverse model parameters and resolutions. The first objective of MISOMIP2 is to investigate the robustness of ocean and ocean--ice-sheet models in a range of Antarctic environments, through comparisons to interannual observational data. We will assess the status of ocean--ice-sheet modelling as a community and identify common characteristics of models that are best able to capture observed features. As models are highly tuned based on present-day data, we will also compare their sensitivity to abrupt atmospheric perturbations leading to either very warm or slightly warmer ocean conditions than present-day. The approach of MISOMIP2 is to welcome contributions of models as they are, but we request standardised variables and common grids for the outputs. There will be two target regions, the Amundsen Sea and the Weddell Sea, chosen because they describe two extremely different ocean environments and have been relatively well observed compared to other parts of Antarctica. An observational "MIPkit" is provided to evaluate ocean and ice sheet models in these two regions.

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