
We report a recent experimental simulation of a controlled-NOT gate operation based on polarization correlation measurements of thermal fields in photon-number fluctuations. The interference between pairs of correlated paths at the very heart of these experiments has the potential for the simulation of correlations between a larger number of qubits.


  • We report a recent experimental simulation of a controlled-NOT gate operation based on polarization correlation measurements of thermal fields in photon-number fluctuations

  • We have experimentally demonstrated for the first time thermal light interference between two pairs of correlated paths, where each path in a pair is spatially incoherent with the paths in the other pair

  • This counterintuitive effect is at the very heart of the experimental simulation of a CNOT gate operation described here

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The light source is a standard pseudo-thermal source consisting of a circularly polarized 633 nm CW laser beam and a rotating ground glass (GG). A large number of circularly polarized incoherent wavepackets, or subfields, are scattered from a large number of diffusers. The control beam goes through a mask with two polarizers in the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) directions placed in front of the two pinholes Lc and Rc, respectively. The target beam passes through two pinholes Lt and Rt. A halfbwlaev-epipnlhatoeleHaWt tPhRet, interchanging the H control arm and the with the V polarization double-pinhole at the components, target arm of is placed in front of the interferometer. At each arm, the two pinholes are separated beyond the coherence length of the thermal field. The two light beams are detected at the single-photon level by the two detectors Dc and Dt after passing

Event Timer t
Output state
Ri at positions r r
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