
Four established techniques of distal end-to-side anastomosis (direct anastomosis, Linton patch, Taylor patch and Miller cuff) were compared to investigate the local distribution of anastomotic intimal hyperplasia. The study aimed to elucidate whether mechanical factors or flow alterations are mainly responsible for the improved patency rates reported for vein cuff interposition techniques in infrainguinal arterial reconstructions using prosthetic graft material. Thirty-two expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) femoropopliteal bypass grafts were implanted in 16 sheep using the four anastomotic techniques. After 6 months the grafts were explanted and examined histologically. The local distribution of intimal hyperplasia was determined, particularly for areas of material transition and of high and low shear stress. The mean amount and distribution of intimal hyperplasia were similar for all anastomotic types. Intimal hyperplasia was greatest along all transitions between ePTFE and venous patches, and between ePTFE and recipient artery. It was lower along the transitions between venous patches and artery, and was lowest at the host artery floor. Vein interposition did not reduce anastomotic intimal hyperplasia and did not change the distribution patterns of hyperplasia, which were influenced mainly by mechanical factors. The effect of vein interposition is to move areas of maximum intimal hyperplasia away from the small recipient artery up to the more capacious graft-patch anastomosis.

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