
The experimental charge density in the title complex has been re-examined. The original work, reported some 8 years ago [Smith et al. (1997). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 5028-5034], was undertaken using a very early version of the XD software, which contained serious programming errors. A re-refinement, using the original data and a recent version of the XD software, shows that many of the unusual aspects of this earlier study are artefacts due to these programming errors. The topological properties of the newly obtained experimental density compare well with those calculated from a theoretical DFT (density-functional theory) UHF-SCF (unrestricted Hartree Fock-self-consistent field) density. This report corrects several erroneous conclusions regarding the charge density in the title complex--in particular, the highly unusual diffuse Laplacian distribution about the Ni atom, and the trifurcated bond path from the Ni atom to the alcohol oxygen donor atoms are no longer observed. An examination of a range of topological properties of the metal-ligand bonds leads to the conclusion that the Ni-N and Ni-O bonds have an intermediate character, with a significant shared interaction, but with a substantial ionic component. This new study also reveals a previously unrecognized intramolecular H...H interaction in the macrocyclic ligand.

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