
An ultrastructural study of the rabbit myocardium with experimental advanced left ventricular hypertrophy was undertaken to determine the volumetric density, surface density and surface-to-volume ratio of the contractile material, mitochondria and T-system and to describe changes in the ultrastructure of the myocardium in this condition. Biometric data demonstrated a significant increase in the contractile mass which maintained its normal space arrangement. The mitochondria had a normal structure but biometric investigations confirmed a statistically significant decrease in the relative volume and the mitochondria/myofibril ratio. The T-system was dilated and seemed to have adapted itself to a larger contractile mass mainly by swelling. Finally, the structure of the sarcomere was analysed on the basis of the length/passive filling pressure curve. This curve showed that the passive lengthening of sarcomeres in the hypertrophic myocardium was less than in the normal heart.

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