
Cerro Galán in NW Argentina records >3.5Myr of magmatic evolution of a major resurgent caldera complex. Beginning at 5.72Ma, nine rhyodacitic ignimbrites (68–71wt% SiO2) with a combined minimum volume of >1200km3 (Dense Rock Equivalent; DRE) have been erupted. The youngest of those ignimbrites is the eponymous, geochemically homogenous, caldera-forming 2.08±0.02Ma Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI; >630km3 DRE). Following this climactic supereruption, structural and magmatic resurgence led to the formation of a resurgent dome and post-climactic lava domes and their associated pyroclastic deposits. A clear transition from amphibole to sanidine-bearing magmas occurred during the evolution of Cerro Galán and is inferred to represent a shallowing of the magma system. We test this hypothesis here using experimental phase equilibria.We conducted a series of phase equilibria experiments on the post-climactic dome lithologies under H2O-saturated conditions using cold seal Waspaloy pressure vessels with an intrinsic log fO2 of NNO+1±0.5 across a temperature-pressure range of 750–900°C and 50–200MPa (PH2O=Ptotal), respectively. Petrologic and geochemical analysis of the post-climactic lithologies shows that the natural phase assemblage (plagioclase+quartz+biotite+sanidine+Fe-Ti oxides±apatite±zircon) is stable at <50MPa (PH2O) and 805–815°C. Applying experimental results to the CGI pumice, which has the same phenocryst phase assemblage and modal abundance, whole rock and phenocryst chemistry, and overlapping temperature and fO2 as the post-climactic deposits, suggests that these pre-eruptive conditions (PH2O<50MPa) are relevant for the magmas that sourced the climactic CGI supereruption as well.Amphibole in the early Cerro Galán ignimbrites (Toconquis Group; 5.72–4.51Ma, and the Cueva Negra Ignimbrite, 3.77±0.08Ma) records crystallization across a range of pressures (500 to 200±60MPa). In the interval between the eruption of the Cueva Negra ignimbrite and the CGI (2.08±0.02Ma) the complex magma system shallowed and stalled at low pressures (<100MPa), resulting in a more simple magma reservoir configuration represented by a large-volume, geochemically homogenous magma body. The shallowing of the Cerro Galán magma system during this time explains the marked transition from amphibole to sanidine-bearing magmas and seems to characterize many large silicic caldera-forming magma systems that erupt over million year timescales to generate long-lived volcanic complexes.The post-climactic history of Cerro Galán is informed through a detailed investigation of the textural differences among the post-climactic dome lithologies, and a comparison of those textures with previously published decompression experiments. These suggest that the highly vesiculated, pumiceous clasts with rare microlites represent magma stored within the core of the lava dome that decompressed relatively rapidly (0.003–0.0003MPas−1) and evolved via closed system degassing. Resulting over-pressure of the dome may have triggered superficial explosion. In contrast, dense clasts with abundant crystalline silica precipitates represent more typical dome-forming magmas that decompressed more slowly (<0.00005MPas−1), evolved via open system degassing, and form the outer carapace of a lava dome. Integrating decompression histories with results from new phase equilibria experiments suggests that during post-climactic volcanic activity at Cerro Galán, remnant CGI dome-forming magmas ascended from the shallow magma reservoir (<4km) to motivate resurgent uplift and erupt as lava domes either explosively as vesiculated clasts or effusively as dense clasts that make up the outer structure of lava domes.

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