
Abstract Electrical submersible pump (ESP) is extensively utilized in industrial sectors such as petroleum, chemical, and nuclear energy. However, ESPs will experience pressurization deterioration due to the high gas volume fraction (GVF), resulting in the pressurization failure. In this paper, a three-stage mixed-flow ESP with closed impeller structure is designed and developed. The interstage hydraulic characteristics and pressurization deterioration mechanism of the mixed-flow ESP are investigated at various rotational speeds and inlet conditions by combining experimental and simulation. The Population Balance Model (PBM) and RNG k-e model are employed. As the liquid flow rate increases, the ESP experiences a ‘three-stage’ downward trend in pressurization. It is discovered that the first booster stage has a lower inflow velocity and flow separation degree compared to the subsequent booster stages, resulting in a greater liquid-phase pressurization capacity. The gas-liquid pressurization exhibits a wave-shaped downward trend due to significant deterioration in stage-wise pressurization when the liquid flow rate is low. Once the Inlet Gas Volume Fraction (IGVF) reaches the first critical GVF, the gas aggregates on the impeller's suction surface is removed at the impeller outlet, creating an annular air mass which creating a chaotic vortex absorbing the fluids’ kinetic energy. As a result, the first booster stage experiences a significant reduction in its pressurization ability, causing an abrupt decrease in the pressurization curve.

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