
In the thick components such as gas turbine disks, the cracks usually manifest in the form of part-through or embedded elliptical cracks. The shape of surface crack varies during the crack propagation and significantly affects the fatigue life predictions of the surface cracked components. In present work, crack propagation of semi-elliptical cracks in a finite width specimen of a gas turbine material subjected to fatigue load has been studied experimentally and numerically. The numerical simulation was accomplished by first extending the applicability of available stress intensity factor empirical equation for semi-elliptical cracks to finite width solid. Using this empirical equation for stress intensity factor, the effect of change in the crack shape on the crack propagation life is simulated by numerical models. Also, in order to include the effect of crack closure in the numerical prediction of growth of surface cracks, a ratio of crack closure factor between depth and surface locations of a semi-elliptical crack was obtained by experiments. The experimental observations were used in correlating the numerical predictions for crack shape progression and crack propagation life.

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