
Underexpanded rocket exhaust plumes generated in a test-bed facility are studied experimentally. Infrared (IR) images of the plume have been obtained with an IR camera equipped with narrow bandpass e lters. The spectral distribution of the IR emission has been measured with a spectroradiometer. Numerical simulations of the exhaust plume have been conducted. The gas-dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the e owe eld were computed by the General Aerodynamic Simulation Program computational e uid-dynamic code. On the basis of thesimulatede owe eld, theIRradiationwasnumerically calculated byusing a computerprogram INFRAD,which has been developed for this purpose. The program calculates the radiation transfer through the plume using the statistical narrowband model technique. It allows simulation of the IR plume images as well as the local and the space-integrated plume spectra. The simulated and experimental results agree well.

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