
Dehumidifier is that the most vital unit in liquid drier air conditioning system, this paper experimental analysis of solar assisted liquid desiccant cooling system (SALDCS) by Li Cl-H2O as a desiccant. A capable solar energy and cooling technique is through the employment of a liquid drying agent system, wherever humidness is absorbed directly from the method air by direct contact with the drying agent, the desiccant is then regenerated by solar hot water or air. The solar assisted desiccant dehumidifier system is operated variable operating conditions, air flow rate (0.05 to 0.11 kg/sec), desiccant concentration (30% to 40%) and desiccant temperature (maximum 40oC). Effectiveness of dehumidifier verified by experimentally, it results effectiveness decreased by the air flow rate & desiccant temperature, increased by desiccant concentration, the same process done with inter cooler (Indirect evaporative cooler) better dry-air cooling rate observed.

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