
Cognitive therapy based on the proposals of Beck (1963)and Ellis (1970),and on Bandura (1971)and Marston (1964),was compared both with a behavioral approach derived from Ferster (1965),Lazarus (1968),and Lewinsohn (1974)and with a treatment that combined these two strategies. Twenty-eight mild to moderately depressed subjects were randomly allocated to one of the three groups or a no-treatment waiting list control group. The results indicated that the three treatment groups improved significantly more than waiting list controls on all measures, and there were no differences between the cognitive therapy alone and the behavioral intervention alone on any measure. However, the combined group was more effective than the average of either of its components alone in reducing depression as measured by Beck's Depression Inventory and Dempsey's (1964)D-30 Scale, and these results were replicated with the data derived from a self-esteem and a self-acceptance variant of Kelly's (1955)Repertory Grid. Similar, but nonsignificant, trends were observed on Aitken's (1969)Visual Analogue Scale (a subjective evaluation of depressed mood),on the Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist, and on Eysenck's Personality Inventory.

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