
The present work investigates the deformation behavior and identify the deformation relief patterns in Ni-28 W (28 wt. %W) single crystal under uniaxial compression using experimental and atomistic simulations. EAM (Embedded Atomic Method) potential is used for modelling the atomic interaction between Ni and W atoms. The compression test is carried at a constant temperature of 300 K and at a strain rate of 10-3 s−1 in experiment and 108 s−1 in atomistic simulation. Both experimental and simulation stress–strain curves show linear elastic region followed by strain hardening region till 20% strain and are in qualitative agreement. The observed slip lines can be seen inclined at an angle of 45° to the loading direction formed as a result of plastic deformation by slip on multiple slip systems in both experimental and simulated Ni–W single crystal alloy.

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