
AbstractThe research is aim to create MRT: Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (Underground Train) and BTS: Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (Sky Train) interactive route navigation map. This map shows the whole routes of both MRT and BTS train stations which are located in the interactive manner. The design is not only a proposal for showing the whole information about direction and price information of transportation by MRT and BTS in Bangkok. But also this research took these concepts one step further, by introducing interactive map which the viewers/passengers can access the information from everywhere via the internet. The goal of this interactive navigation map is to satisfy informative. Problem space includes 2 different user groups. Regardless of age or background, they do all have the same purpose; travel with the train. The User-Centered Design (UCD) methodology has been applied in developing processes of this research.KeywordsUser-Centered Design (UCD)Human Computer Interaction (HCI)InteractiveMap

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