
The purpose of this study was to investigate the various factors that may contribute to the academic self-concept of autistic college students, including the potential influence of academic success. A sample of autistic participants (n = 12) were interviewed regarding autistic college students' experiences. Transcripts were analyzed using a modified grounded theory approach. Most students had a positive academic self-concept due to factors like major selection based on passion and interest, following family values, personal motivation to do well, proving someone wrong, and striving for high academic achievement. Although accommodations were not the main focus of the study, they were found to affect student academic self-concept as well. Post-secondary institutions should consider incorporating intervention and support programs that assist in improving neurodiverse students' self motivation and self regulation skills to encourage these students to be academically successful while maintaining their well-being. They should also provide professional development initiatives aimed at enhancing the capacity of faculty and staff to address the unique needs of autistic students and ensure the successful implementation of accommodations. This approach will contribute to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for autistic college students, promoting their academic success and well-being.

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