
This paper describes the transition from use of a shared, medium-scale computer for research, patient care, and financial computing for a small hospital to an in-house ‘mini' computer. The advantages and disadvantages of a variety of alternative solutions for computer processing are discussed. Although the support software supplied with the system was found adequate, some important limitations needed attention and several general-purpose programs proved useful to speed the conversion of programs in PL/1 to BASIC. Considering both the amount of time required for total conversion as well as the facilities lost in switching from a large-scale machine, the capacity, flexibility and economy of a smaller in-house computer were found sufficient to justify such a conversion.Cet article decrit les problemes qui se soot poses, clans un petit hopital, lors du passage d'un ordinateur de taille moyenne a un mini-ordinateur. Dans cet hopital l'ordinateur est utilise aussi bien pour la recherche que pour les soins et la...

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