
The Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Greifswald is building the stellarator fusion experiment Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). The manufacturing of the W7-X superconducting magnet system, which consists of 50 non-planar and 20 planar coils, was finished in March 2008. The production was a technical challenge for the W7-X design crew as well for the manufacturer due to the complex 3 D shape of the non-planar coils and the stringent requirements for geometrical tolerances. The manufacturers had to solve several technical problems and to consider major design changes even at advanced stages of manufacture. Finally the coils are passing the acceptance tests at cryogenic temperatures at CEA Saclay with a very good performance. Results of the W7-X coil production will be given and critical production steps will be identified. Lessons will be taken from the experiences gained from design, manufacturing and test methods. The reasons for the considerable time delays will be explained.

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