
In compliance with German data protections regulations, we conducted an anonymous survey among participants of the annual infectious disease and control meeting in Freiburg, Germany in October 2021. We report the results of nurse and physician members of infection control teams on their perceptions and emotions during the pandemic. Descriptive statistics and Chi Square Test with P<0.05 (SPSS Statistics Standard Version) were used when applicable. Of the 391 of 750 distributed surveys, 391 were returned; 48% were infection control practitioners (IP), 12% Link Nurses (LN), 12% Board Certified Hospital Epidemiologists (HE), 17% infection control-trained physicians (ITP), 1% Occupational Health or Public Health specialists and 10% others. 72% were female, 25.3% male, 0.2% divers and 2.5% gave no answers. The 349 members of infection control teams (IP, LN, HE, ITP) reported a high level of competency, importance and appreciation and a low rate of anxiety or hopelessness. A quarter reported anger and frustration which nevertheless did not result in reduced motivation. Information provided by the German national health agency Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) was utilized most by participants. Social media, on the other hand, were criticized frequently. Cooperation within the institution and local public health authorities was good. Free text answers regarding lessons learned showed wide potential for improvement. Our survey results indicate a high level of resilience among members of infection control teams in German medical institutions despite obvious shortcomings in supplies during the first wave of the pandemic. The high level of self-perceived competency and appreciation possibly helped deal with the situation and prevented the feeling of loss of control implied in the question items "feeling overwhelmed" and "hopeless". However, the lessons learned from the pandemic need to be implemented to maintain this high level of resilience not only for infection control teams but the medical system in general.

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