
INTRODUCTION: Meaning and personal experiences of the acts of neonaticide, infanticide and filicide have rarely been investigated from the perspectives of the women who committed those acts. To identify and synthesise evidence on the perspectives of women directly involved in the complex phenomena of neonaticide, infanticide or filicide from the evidence available on their unique point of view and how these experiences have affected women's lives. To understand how the experiences and perceptions of women who engaged in child killing present similarities or differences according to the child's age at time of death. Qualitative primary studies published in English were included if they explored the experiences of women who engaged in neonaticide, infanticide or filicide. Methodological quality was assessed using the qualitative Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) checklist. A thematic analysis framework guided the synthesis. Seven papers reporting on five studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Three analytical themes were identified: Not ready to be a mother; Intentionality and premeditation in the context of trauma and mental health issues; Sorrow of regret. The majority of women who committed neonaticide, infanticide or filicide had complex psychological, social and personal circumstances and in the main regretted the act and regretted not seeking help from family and healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals in contact with women during the perinatal period and beyond need to be aware of the profiles of vulnerable women and undertake holistic integrated assessments to identify the woman's personal context, changes in interpersonal relationships, social isolation or over reliance on family supports and changes in mental health status or new onset of mental health conditions. Women require a clear plan of what to do if they feel overwhelmed with caring for a baby or child. Healthcare professionals involved with women in the perinatal period need to explore further women's expressions of "not being ready to be a mother" which for some women might be pathological and require further assessment. Women need to be made aware of the support services pathways available to them during the perinatal period and beyond. Further research is needed to explore and learn from women's experiences of each of the phenomena separately to reduce child homicide mortality and support women and their families.

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