
The effect of diet on the number of gustatory and olfactory sensilla was investigated in locusts. Insects fed for the final two stadia on nutritionally adequate synthetic foods have fewer sensilla on the maxillary palps and antennae than insects fed on the usual rearing diet of seedling wheat. This effect was seen irrespective of the nutritional balance of the foods and was independent of the concentration of nutrients present or the size of the insect. Supplying wheat odour to locusts fed synthetic foods had no effect on the number of sensilla present on the palps, but completely reversed the decrease in the number of olfactory sensilla of the antennae and partially reversed the decrease in the number of antennal uniporous trichoid sensilla. Locusts that were allowed to select between two nutritionally unbalanced but complementary synthetic foods had a higher number of sensilla on the maxillary palps than those fed individual synthetic foods, providing the two foods differed substantially in their protein:carbohydrate ratios. Insects also developed more sensilla if they were fed on two foods of identical nutritional composition but with different added flavours (1% tannic acid or amygdalin). Exposing locusts to synthetic foods for a single stadium did not cause any significant decrease in sensilla number. The results suggest that the number of sensilla that develop in a given sensory field is influenced by the variety of chemical stimuli experienced and the chemical complexity of the environment as provided by the presence of distinct individual sources of stimulation.

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