
Background. Dexmedetomidine is a unique α2 -agonist medication which ensures sedation similar to physiological sleep without r espiratory depression. The dexmedetomidine’s characteristics determine the transfer of the patient with neurosurgical pathology in early postoperative period.The aims areto maintain the adequate sedation and analgesia without respiratory depression in children up to 4 years old with spinal cord pathology in early postoperative period (first 3 da ys) in inpatient department;to decrease digestive system motor function depression;to exclude aspiration possibility.Materials and methods. From October 2019 to January 2020, the dexmedetomidine sedations were performed by the prolonged infusion administration to 10 children (6 children aged 6 month to 1 year and 4 children up to 4 years) with spinal cord and vertebral pathology (spina bifida, meningomyelocele, myelocele, teratoma, lipoma of lumbar spine) in early postoperative period at the neurosogical department. During the first three days after the surgery and dexmedetomidine prescription the vital functions monitoring was being performed for 24 hours. The immediate access to oxygen was the obligatory requirement.Results. The appropriate sedation target was achieved after the dexmedetomidine prescription for the children with the spinal cord and vertebral pathology in early postoperative period at the neurosurgical department; the dosage of opioid analgesics was successfully decreased by 50%; the respiratory depression was not observed; the blood pressure and bradycardia were not haemodynamically significant. Swallowing reflex was saved, which led to early physiological nutrition and excluded aspiration risk. The following transfer of patient after the surgery to the neurosurgical department bypassing ICU reduced the financial expenditure of the hospital.Conclusion Dexmedetomidine provides with the adequate sedation in early postoperative period and can be recommended for the usage in children with the spinal cord and vertebral pathology as the safest medication due to the absence of cardio-respiratory complications and the influence on them during moderately prolonged period.

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