
Male songbirds learn to produce song within a limited phase early in life; however they continue to learn to recognize songs in adulthood. Studies looking at Zenk activation after exposure to songs learned early in life for song production and songs learned in adulthood show opposite patterns of activation, suggesting distinct neural mechanisms may be involved in these two forms of learning. In this study, we look at IEG Zenk activation in auditory regions NCM and CMM of song sparrows ( Melospiza melodia) to see whether recent exposure to song in adulthood leads to greater or decreased Zenk activation upon hearing that song versus a novel song. We found significantly lower activation in birds exposed to previously heard songs versus novel songs in vNCM but not dNCM, though further analysis suggest an overall trend in NCM. We found no significant difference in the amount of activation to previously heard songs vs. novel songs in CMM. These results support previous findings suggesting that activation is reduced to learned stimuli; we discuss possible implications of these findings in relation to song production learning early in life and song recognition learning in adulthood.

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