
Capilano University offers a very successfulfirst-year Engineering Transfer and EngineeringTransition Diploma program. A key learning experiencefor students of both programs is a one-semesterEngineering Design course, in which the instructor leadsthe student through a practical design project, applyingengineering design principles that are presented in thecourse. In 2014, a new project design theme wasintroduced, specifically working with small UnmannedAerial Vehicles (UAVs). The teaching methodologycombined both lecture and student led learningexperiences. Student teams of 4 were provided a commonassignment to carry out a field investigation using a UAVand video camera to simulate an industrial application.With experience gained on a PC based flight simulator,all teams successfully completed their designs, carried outtheir UAV flights and documented their results. Studentsdeveloped project management and communication skillsearly in their engineering education. This innovativeapproach in first year provides students with immediateexposure to the practical limitations that constrainengineering design. The teaching methodology isexpected to result in graduate engineers who havestronger skills in teamwork, communication, and designcapability. This first year teaching methodology hasshown significant promise as demonstrated through thequality of the design projects, as well as positive feedbackfrom the students.

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