
The symposium as organized provides a platform to discuss the career of the ex-entrepreneur. Four papers are assembled, addressing post-entrepreneurial career outcomes (such as entrepreneurial persistence, labor market outcomes, and eventual entrepreneurial success) through various structural and demographic variables. Wang addresses the effect of bureaucratic careers on entrepreneurial performance and persistence. Ding et al. considers the role of entrepreneurship spells in a person’s career, and examines gendered labor market responses to entrepreneurial experience. Greenberg et al. demonstrates the importance of entrepreneurial persistence in the discussion of the gender gap in entrepreneurship. Finally, Ng examines the effect of the age on entrepreneurial entry on subsequent persistence and success. Together, the papers conceptualize entrepreneurship as a transitory state in a person's career, and illustrate the importance to both scholars and policy makers of looking beyond entrepreneurship initiation. The Perpetuation of Obesity: Bureaucracy and Entrepreneurship under Market Transition. Presenter: Yanbo Wang; National U. of Singapore Seeking STEM jobs: Does Entrepreneurship Experience Help or Hurt? Presenter: Waverly W. Ding; U. of Maryland Presenter: Hyeun Lee; U. of Maryland, College Park Presenter: Debra L. Shapiro; U. of Maryland Second Thoughts About Second Acts: Gender Differences in Founding Rates Presenter: Jason Greenberg; New York U. Presenter: Venkat Kuppuswamy; U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Presenter: Ethan Mollick; The Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania On Persistence and Precaution: Aged Responses to Entrepreneurial Failure. Presenter: Weiyi Ng; National U. of Singapore

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